Facebook is like a Cocktail Party – Stop talking about yourself all the time.

May 27, 2022Our Blog, Social

facebook cocktail party

Give People reasons to “like” on Facebook in Five Simple Steps.

Regarding social media and Facebook content creation, you want to be the person at the party everyone wants to be around. This popular person talks with people and asks folks about themselves. The interesting party goer contributes by being funny or bringing brilliant insight to conversations. This popular person does not ramble incessantly about themselves, and they do not project negativity or issue complaints. 

The popular person at the party knows the audience and how to interact.

People use social media for different reasons; thus, there are many valid approaches to interaction. However, today’s blog post addresses how to utilize social media—Facebook in particular—to build a following of people that genuinely like you.

Here are five steps to make that happen.  Think of it as a social media strategy for Facebook

Understand who is at the party.

Only you possess what only you have. Identify and define what qualities set you apart from others and maximize them. Who are you, and what do you stand for? What is your image; what is your look? Compose your persona carefully, and keep it consistent. Any photos, status updates, or shares you make should be compatible with your brand. Give people consistency, and they will remember you.

Use what you say to be the life of the party. 

Treat FB like a party where you need to listen and entertain – It’s not your diary. Posts should be conversational and must not be self-serving. Self-serving posts serve as outlets for your expression without concern for the readers’ interest. Examples of self-serving posts could include updates about the minutiae of your life, braggadocio, and vague complaints. Who likes talking to those types of partygoers?

Posts that serve your audience, on the other hand, entertain, inform, and inspire reflection. They make people laugh; they make people think. Delivering quality content on social media is an artistic creation and composition that requires forethought. Please get to know your audience and what they like, and post accordingly.

Would you ever ignore someone when they talk to you?

Businesses on Facebook do it all the time. A page visitor may comment, and what do you know, no one answers back. More importantly, please don’t talk to your audience; talk with them. Compose status updates that encourage interaction. Comment your friends’ postings in meaningful ways–you will not only build a relationship with that person but will also likely make new friends from that person’s leadership in the meantime. Occasionally use your status updates to ask intriguing questions your readers will want to answer. Allow folks to tell their stories—everyone wants that.

For the love of God, please BE POSITIVE! 

No one likes a complainer. While the hardships in your life are undoubtedly worthy of attention, Facebook is not the place for a litany of woes. Folks visit social media for diversion and escape, so use your social media presence to make people smile, laugh, and think. Stimulate your audience intellectually or crack them up with jokes—but don’t bring them down with your problems. And never use your status updates to trash-talk or call people out–you end up looking worse than the person you’re throwing shade.

Please be humble

The golden rule is show and doesn’t tell when it comes to badassery (is that one word or two?); You can think like a badass; you can know you’re a badass—don’t announce it. Instead, allow this badassery to show through your videos, photos, and writing. Let your audience judge for themselves. If you are, in fact, a badass, others will see this badassery, and they will announce it on your behalf. A simple” “thank you” is always the proper response when this occurs. In the meantime, promote the folks you admire. Few things are more attractive than someone who exhibits an appreciation for others.

Apply these lessons and watch your internetting achieve much excellent.