Master the Art of Repurposing Content

Mar 4, 2021Our Blog

This article was adapted from Mastering the Art of Repurposing Content, by Amy Wright.

Your body needs a regular supply of nutritious food and exercise to thrive, and your website needs up-to-date, quality content so it can help you build a thriving business.

At Concept2Completion we know that planning, creating and maintaining top-notch content takes a lot of time. It’s why clever marketers strategize for the content they create: they learn how to repurpose in order to extract maximum value from their work.

Here are some notes on how you can do the same.

What is content repurposing?

Let’s start with the basics. You repurpose content when you take content you’ve already created and change it, so it suits a different goal.

You spend countless hours crafting content that’ll build trust with your audience. You research topics and carefully design each piece to educate your readers and encourage them to explore what you offer. So why leave all that work to gather dust?

Content repurposing involves repackaging information from one piece of content to appeal to a different audience, to make a different statement, or to give a different insight. This leads to more resources for your customers and expands your reach, with less work.

Why should you repurpose content?

Repurposing content is efficient – and that might be all the justification you need. But there are other (arguably more important) benefits.

Content marketing is all about giving your customers the information they need when they need it. But the type of content they need will vary based on their personal preferences, and what they want to learn in each stage of their buyer’s journey.

If you share too much during the early stage of the buyer’s journey, you can overwhelm your customers. If you share too little, or if you present the information in a way that doesn’t resonate with your audience, they’ll look somewhere else for answers.

For example, early in their journey the buyer may notice they have a problem, but may not be seeking a specific solution yet. This is when educational content is useful: provide them with what they need to know and point them to where they can learn more.

As the seeker progresses, they’ll look for solutions. At this point, you can cover the same topic in a different way. Perhaps you’ll compare the various methods for resolving their problem in a detailed guide. Although you’ll use some information common to both pieces, the presentation will differ based on the buyer’s need.

Everyone is different. Some people like to read blog posts, while others prefer podcasts or webinars. Repurposing content into several formats will enable you to reach people with varied consumption preferences. The educational content I mentioned above, for example, could be a blog post, but with a few tweaks, it could become a podcast or a video.

Repurposing content enables you to:

  • Build a more comprehensive and diverse collection of content.
  • Expand your reach to a wider audience.
  • Meet the needs of your customers with the information they seek at different stages of their buyer’s journey.
  • Develop a more efficient and scalable content operation.

How to repurpose content

Content repurposing opportunities are everywhere. And the best part is that you can start with the content you already have.

Here are some ways you can begin repurposing content today.